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Provide a short description here indicating what a learning lab is: it begins by choosing a theme, extensive research to find a data source, and turning that into a demo and providing ways to learn in a multi-media format



Provide a short description here indicating what a learning lab is: it begins by choosing a theme, extensive research to find a data source, and turning that into a demo and providing ways to learn in a multi-media format

The Civic Innovation Project partnered with the Microsoft Innovation & Policy Center and the Rappaport Center for Law and Policy, to develop and host a "Public Sector Leaders forum" Learning Series. The learning program brought together mayors, citizens, chief innovation officers, members of the U.S. Senate, leaders from the Federal Reserve, leaders from the National League of Cities and other key stakeholders to discuss strategies that can further city-to-city learning and education with respect to emerging innovations that have the potential to impact positively the systemic issues communities are grappling with. Read a short recap about two of forums on the Microsoft Website here and the website of the Rappaport Center for Law & Policy here.